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Business Tax
No. Title Publish time
1 When supplying goods or labor rendered service to a community management committee, after-school cram school or a cram school (where the entity holds a Business Tax ID), does the seller need to issue the buyer the duplicate invoice or triplicate invoice? 2019-10-07
2 Finally winning the uniform invoice, but the invoice details unclear with clear business identification number,the bank says it cannot be exchanged, how to handle this situation? 2019-10-07
3 What is offshore electronic services business entity? Does an offshore electronic services business entity should apply for taxation registration and pay business tax? 2019-10-07
4 How to file a business tax return? 2019-10-07
5 When a business entity loses the incoming uniform invoices, how does the business entity declare the business tax credit? 2019-10-07
6 How to apply for a Mobile barcode Following step : 2019-10-07
7 What methods can foreign travelers choose to claim tax refunds? 2019-10-07
8 As the incentive measures for the uniform invoices issued using a cash register will expire in 2013, what criteria are required for the profit-seeking enterprises to be eligible to continue issuing the uniform invoices with a cash register? 2019-10-07
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